Today we’ve had the second batch of individual VR tests in three different environments. This experimental study is a part of a joint research of vnLab of National Film School in Lodz, VR and Psychophysiology Lab of Institute of Psychology Polish Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Interactive Technologies National Information Processing Institute, XR Lab Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology and Living Lab Kobo.
The rest of the crew was preparing for the fourth EVA with two primary goals. To 3D scan the lunar surface of the EVA area (Team 1, XR Officer) and to fix the SWAMP shelter airlock and outfit it with a layer of insulation (to prevent the future EVA crews who plan an overnight stay from feeling “a bit chilly”. We’ve planned the excursion for 3 hours in suits, but it has taken 4. In hindsight, we should have taken with us more water, as our Med Officer asked us to do. Despite expected discomfort, constraining suits and tedious work we’ve managed to make significant progress on both tasks. The 3D scanning of the entire LunAres Research Facility is actually almost complete, so that we can later recreate it in VR, to help further prototyping of solutions that may help facilitate human factors research in ICE conditions.