It was the dreaded day for the crew, as their love of science forced them to participate in the experiment of how freeze-dried diet can affect their dental health, which includes gathering large samples of saliva. The rest you can imagine.

However, next came some fun with VR, testing a Varjo VR-1 and XR-1 headset with the central resolution of the human eye in preparation for our brainstorming session on the uses of XR, VR and AR in missions like ours, in analogue habitats and later out in space. This led us to unexpected places, such as discussing the helmet of F35 fighter jet pilots. We mourned how technology is developed for warfare instead of speeding up the progress of the human race.

In between everything else we were creating an airlock for the SWAMP shelter to allow our adventurous crew to sleep there overnight. Before that happens we’ll have to troubleshoot the dust sensor in there to try to get a remote reading. Night discussions somehow delved into physics and the observer’s paradox, but we couldn’t stay on this topic for long as we still had much to do, there were still trackers to set up and applications to test.