Today was the crew’s first EVA to the surface of the Sverdrup Crater. Our Mission XR Officer acted as the HabCom Lead while the XO took the role of HabCom Support. While the crew was out on the surface of the Moon, working on the S.W.A.M.P shelter outer door, the HabCom coordinated their efforts. The whole EVA took multiple hours and was an exhausting experience that made the crew really appreciate the hard work that astronauts and their ground support teams do. Even small tasks easily achieved on Earth are a challenge when you are wearing a heavy suit and thick protective gloves, which do not allow for feeling in your fingertips. This is one of the challenges that are yet unsolved when it comes to working in space suits. On this day the crew ate only freeze-dried food, which made them really crave snacks in the evening. This EVA did not involve robots, as the crew was testing IP based comms, using a mumble client, and wanted to focus on that solely.